True Business Leaders Make Tough Decisions

In the business world, leaders are often hesitant to make the tough decisions necessary to keep their companies successful. They may avoid prescribing corporate euthanasia for a struggling division, opting instead for misplaced mercy that ultimately harms their company and employees.

The problem is that many leaders are too focused on getting along with others and avoiding conflict. They may be skilled at reading numbers, but they lack the ability to make the hard decisions that are truly merciful in the long run.

In the yachting industry, we need leaders who are willing to make tough decisions and adapt to changing circumstances. We need leaders who are willing to be adventuresome, energetic, and intelligent, while also being just and fair to their employees.

If we don't start developing more leaders like this, we risk being overtaken by our competitors. We need to embrace a performance-appraisal sheet that emphasizes the qualities we need in our leaders, rather than simply rewarding those who get along well with others.

In the Ottoman Empire, for example, their leaders were known for being cruel and adventuresome, but also just and intelligent. They were able to adapt to changing circumstances and maintain their power for over three centuries.
In the yachting industry, we must be willing to make tough decisions and develop leaders who are capable of making them.

We must recognize that misplaced mercy is seldom truly merciful, and that sometimes the best thing we can do is to let go of an outdated division or strategy in order to move forward. By doing so, we can ensure the long-term success of our companies and employees.