How Encouraging Ambition Pays In The Long Run

As a leader, it's important to encourage ambition and objectivity in your employees, even if it means risking their departure. When someone says they've been offered a job by another company, don't react with possessiveness or defensiveness. Instead, encourage them to review seriously what they're getting out of their current job and what they're not, and see if the new opportunity can better their career prospects.

If they ultimately decide to stay, they'll do so with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to working more effectively than ever before. And if they do decide to leave, your objectivity and friendliness will have helped them come to a better decision sooner, earning their respect and goodwill in the long run.

It's natural to wince at the thought of losing a valuable team member, but as leaders, we must prioritize the best interests of our employees, even if it means losing them to a better opportunity. By fostering a culture of ambition and objectivity, we can inspire our employees to strive for their highest potential, even if it means leaving our organization.

Ultimately, as a leader, you should be genuinely interested in the growth and development of your people, and you should rejoice when they receive offers that you can't match.

Your job is to support and empower your employees, even if it means encouraging them to pursue opportunities outside of your organization. By doing so, you will build a team of motivated, ambitious individuals who are committed to their own growth and success, as well as that of your organization.