As managers, we often make our biggest mistakes in areas where we have previously excelled. This is because success can breed overconfidence and hubris, which can blind us to potential pitfalls and mistakes.
In business, as in life, hubris is the unforgivable sin of acting cocky when things are going well. It is important to recognize that success is not permanent and that the business environment is constantly changing. Overconfidence can lead us to take unnecessary risks or ignore warning signs, which can ultimately lead to failure.
As the Greeks have famously told us, hubris is followed inexorably and inevitably by nemesis. This means that overconfidence and arrogance will eventually lead to downfall and ruin. It is important to remain humble, vigilant, and open to feedback, even when things are going well.
To avoid the sin of hubris, we must recognize that success is not solely the result of our own efforts. It is important to acknowledge the contributions of others, including employees, customers, and partners. We must also remain open to new ideas and perspectives, and be willing to adapt and change when necessary.
In conclusion, as leaders, we must be vigilant against the dangers of hubris. Success can breed overconfidence, but it is important to remain humble and open to feedback. By doing so, we can avoid the unforgivable sin of hubris and continue to lead our organizations to success.