Vice President Of What?

Do you know the power of titles? While it's true that too many titles can cheapen their value, a title can also be a valuable tool for gaining attention and respect in a competitive environment.

When it comes to sales, having a strong title can make all the difference. If your salesperson is a vice-president and your competitor's salesperson is a sales representative, there's a good chance that your salesperson will get in to see the decision maker first and receive more attention. This can be the difference between making a sale and losing out to the competition.

However, it's important to remember that titles are not a substitute for skill and expertise. If a salesperson with a fancy title can't deliver results, then the title is meaningless. It's essential to hire the best people for the job, regardless of their title or position within the company.

In addition, it's important to be mindful of how titles are distributed within a company. If everyone has an impressive title, then the value of titles is diminished. It's important to reserve titles for those who truly deserve them, and to use them sparingly.

In conclusion, titles can be a valuable tool for gaining attention and respect, particularly in competitive environments. However, the value of titles can be diminished if they are overused or given out indiscriminately. Ultimately, it's important to hire the best people for the job and to use titles judiciously in order to achieve the greatest success.